Chestnut path
Barbian suspension bridge:
Barbian Waterfall
Bad Dreikirchen
St. Verena Church
St. Andrew's little churchA nice short hike is also the one to St. Andrew's little church. This small church is located on a beautiful hill and dates back to the 14th century. A fresco cycle depicting St. Christopher, St. Margaret, St. Stephen and St. Lawrence has only recently been uncovered. The flag case with images of St. Andrew is also very beautiful. The little church of St. Andrew can be reached on foot along the ...Pilgrimage Church Maria Saal
Parth pyramids:The highest and most beautifully shaped earth pyramids in Europe can be found on the Ritten, and in three places at once: In the Finsterbachgraben on the way from Lengmoos to Maria Saal, in the Katzenbachgraben below Oberbozen and in the Gasterergraben in Unterinn. These bizarre formations, which rise from the earth, consist of cone-shaped heaped-up clay and boulders lying on top. You can reach ...